Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh, Hello Winter Blahs

You're a bit early this year, yes?  Where are we, the second week of fall and you've already made your grand arrival?

It snowed yesterday, just a little.  My kids freaked out - they don't remember the snow last year and they were pretty pumped.  Also, I've been sick.  I had the pukes yesterday on top of an annoying cold I've had since Monday.

So, I've been feeling a bit under the weather... and sadly my 31 day workout streak took a big shit.  Because I don't work out when I'm sick, usually.  That whole "If it's above the neck, it's ok to run" bullshit is so stupid.  Pretty sure you should not be running through migraines and sinus infections, but whatever.

I like to run when I'm just on the tail end of a sickness...  like several  an IPAs after a bad day, it seems like it helps me get over it faster.

So, I have a plan to fight the winter blahs, and I'm pretty excited about it.  Last winter, I was awesome at getting up super early and getting to the gym nearly every day, and I'm ready to do it again.  Plus, a new session starts at the Y on Monday... ahhh serendipity.

Want to see it?  I know you do....

Monday - 6am - 7am - Power Vinyasa Yoga (because it is the best thing ever and it's easy to get out of bed for a 90 degree studio).  Later on, an interval run on the treadmill while my babies nap.

Tuesday - Easy run in the a.m.

Wednesday - 5:30am-6:30am - Bootcamp class at the Y with a crazy badass instructor that reminds me of Rose

Thursday - Tempo run baby.  Best day of the week.

Friday - 6:00am-7:00am HIIT class at the Y, then swim swim swimeroo for a half hour or so.

Saturday - Long run.

Sounds fun, right?  


  1. Oh my god I love the Dog Beers picture. My new favorite saying!

    I wish I was as good as you about getting up early to work out - although that hot yoga is pretty tempting!

  2. I like your bootcamp instructor already.

    I think I've had the winter blahs all summer.

  3. I hope i read wrong and you did not drop the 'S' word on us:-)

    Hoping to keep the shovel in the basement for a couple of more months!

    Good luck with that killer schedule!

  4. I am so terrible at getting up early in the winter. I'm so spoiled that waking up in the dark is just not an option.

  5. I hope you feel better soon! I hate working out when I am sick too. Especially if it's a migraine or headache. The only thing that will make that feel better for me is sleep!


Hearing from you makes me happy! :)

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