Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sneak Peek

Afternoon bloggy friends,

So, I figured it's time I start having a regular weekly feature on my blog... and last night after some heavy soul-searching, two glasses of blueberry beer, and a little time on Google looking for the perfect shooting rainbow, I landed on a winner.
It seems like everything in the corner of the blogosphere that I haunt is really uplifting and positive, and I LOVE that.  But, maybe it's my crankiness due to lack of running, or maybe it was the beer, but I think I need an outlet for the things in my life that piss me off.  So, check back on Thursday, and let me know what you think!  :)


  1. HA! (I did that laugh out loud, at work too!) This is so perfectly you, down to the rainbow that reminds me of My Little Ponies or Carebears or something like that. I can't wait!

  2. haha! I am already in love with this and it has not even started. yesssss. really excited. and I love that rainbow! haha!

  3. So funny! I love this idea. I'll be checking back then!

  4. Love your blog! I had to laugh about the Things I hate Thursday! Such a great idea!

  5. Thanks for the response guys! I'm excited to share my disgruntled side. :)

  6. You know what they say...if you can't say anything nice, come over here and sit by me.

  7. This is going to be great! Excited to follow you!


Hearing from you makes me happy! :)

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