Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gotta Have Goals

Good morning!

Whew - can't believe I didn't lose any followers with yesterday's short-on-taste post!  What can I say?  I am surrounded by boys and think bodily functions and gross plays on words are hilarious.  :)

I am not a super goal-oriented person.  I frequently describe myself as "content", and I'm pretty happy just going with the flow. 

Recently, I've noticed fear has been holding me back from a lot of things I'd secretly like to do. 

I will conquer my fears!  (or break my leg!  (again.))

So, what's a girl to do but make a list?  I've been compiling all of the things I'd like to do - some are silly and frivolous, some are running-related, some are just things I need to take the time to make a priority. 

And some are terrifying.  For me, anyway.

So over the next couple of days, I'm going to be listing my goals my blog - for a little accountability, maybe a little feedback, but mostly just to declare to myself I'm going to start pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.  Maybe I'll learn something about myself in the process.

Then I think I'll create a page on here with the completed list, and go to town on these bad boys!

“You can gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along’… You must do the thing you cannot do.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. I think yesterday's post was hilarious! And I think your idea for a list is awesome. I've been thinking along the same lines as well. When you write goals down (anywhere), they come alive and suddenly become something you want to conquer.

    Go for it!!

  2. Love that quote and I am a HUGE fan of setting goals. They always help me stay on the right track.

    I am excited to hear yours girl. You can totally do anything you put your mind to. :)


Hearing from you makes me happy! :)

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